Phone: 07 315 6240

Baby Colic

Colic is a common condition that affects up to 1 in 5 young babies. If your baby suffers from colic you will need to try a number of things to help to relieve their symptoms, and it is important that you seek help and support from friends, family or health professionals too.

Infant colic is ongoing crying without an obvious cause in otherwise healthy babies. It can be very stressful to manage but usually passes by 16 weeks of age.

Babies who suffer from colic will cry inconsolably for several hours at a time, without an obvious reason. They may clench their fists and draw their legs up to their tummies. The crying episodes often occur in the late afternoon or early evening. Sometimes it ends with the passing of a bowel motion or gas, or the baby may simply cry him or herself to sleep.

This video has some helpful advice:

Colic, and the months of distress and sleeplessness that it brings to both infants and parents, can leave you feeling frantic, frustrated, worried, exhausted, confused, guilty and inadequate.

Foremost, it is essential to build and maintain a loving bond with your infant. If your baby experiences colic that does not appear to dissipate, you will probably be looking for a safe, natural and effective colic remedy to ease your baby’s suffering.

There are several treatments available from your pharmacy for baby colic. These typically contain calmative herbs such as ginger in liquid and may also include homeopathic medicines which are safe for young children.

Rhuger Mixture is a safe, natural product created by an experienced New Zealand pharmacist and it is suitable for babies from two weeks old.

It contains natural Rhubarb and Ginger extracts and provides safe and gentle relief in infants and babies with winding and feeding problems and associated symptoms.

For more info:

Contact Us

07 315 6240

07 315 6620

General Enquiries:


114b Church Street
Ōpōtiki 3122
New Zealand

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Our Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 
8.30am - 5:00pm
Closed - Please go to Ōpōtiki Pharmacy on SATURDAYS and Public Holidays for all your prescription and pharmacy needs.

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM


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